
Very often in the pharmaceutical industry the thermal instability of the products requires a vacuum drying at low temperature

In this case Olsa Drymix are the most appropriate and reliable answer to this need. The goal of this Drymix design is to create a comprehensive drying system that addresses all technical concerns while being compliant for use in areas of different classification (clean rooms, explosive atmosphere, etc.)

  • High thermal exchange coefficient
  • No thermal inertia
  • Inifinite speed variation by means of frequency inverter
  • Wide range of sealing systems
  • Chopper with rotatory blades
  • High flexibility and fast loading and discharging
  • Perfect homogeneity of the treated product and uniformity of batch
  • Drying time lower than other model of dryers
  • Programmable process run by PLC
  • Solutions that facilitate dryer reconditioning