Flash Pasteuriser


Flash pasteurizers are used for the pasteurization of beer and other beverages. The product for pasteurization is pumped in the 3-step plate-type heat exchanger by the product pump. The product is heated by hot, pasteurized product at the third regeneration step of the plate-type heat exchanger. Then the booster pump further increases the pressure of the product and the product is heated to pasteurization temperature at the heating step of the plate type heat exchanger.


  • 3 step plate-type heat exchanger for heating and cooling the product.
  • 1 step plate-type heat exchanger for production of hot water with saturated steam.
  • Product pump and booster pump to pump the product.
  • Holding pipe coil to hold the temperature during pasteurization.
  • Hot-water recirculation pump for hot water circulation.
  • Control valve for the product for pressure reduction after pasteurization and flow control.
  • Inductive flow meter displaying the momentary product flow.
  • Preselection and display of the states “Automatic” and “CIP”.
  • Monitoring the level probes in the buffer tank(indicator of whether or not covered)
  • Continuous level measurement in the buffer tank via two pressure transducers(top and bottom of the buffer tank).
  • Pressure management in the buffer tank. [/accordion_item][/accordion]


  • Range : 5HL/hr to 100 HL/hr
  • Pasteurization : PU Range from 15 to 70